Light: An Electromagnectic Wave
Light is a type of energy that travels and moves as a wave. But light is different from other types of waves. Sound waves and water waves need to travel through matter. While light does not require or need matter in order to travel.
Light is an elctromagnetic wave which is a wave that can travel through empty space or matter and is made of chamging electric and magnetic fields.
Fields live and exsit around certain objects. These fields are able to exert a force on another object without touching or making contact with that object
.Earth is a source of a gravitational field. This field attracts us and everything else towards the Earth. This field is not made of matter like all other fields.
Electrtic and magnectic fields are perpendicular (are at right angles) to each other. They are also perpendicular to the direction of the wave's motion.
"To understand the nature of light and how it is normally created, it is necessary to study matter at its atomic level. Atoms are the building blocks of matter, and the motion of one of their constituents, the electron, leads to the emission of light in most sources."
forty points for this Ryann!