The Church is made of us, people, who do sin and are capable in doing so. We are also ignorant. That's what makes the Church human.
On a divine level, the Church has Christ's positive responce that God will never leave us. The Holy Spirit will always guide the Church in seeking and following the truth in alll thins, especially in regards to faith and morals.
The Church is not God. The Church is the People of God. The Church is not Jesus. The Church is the Mystical Body of Jesus. In other words, the Church is human and divine. It is divine in its founder, Jesus Christ, true God and true man. It is divine in its purpose which is the salvation of souls. It is divine also in the means it uses, particularly the Mass and the Sacraments, all instituted by Jesus. But it is human in its members and in its leaders. It is the Church of great saints and notorious sinners. Jesus illustrated this fact in the parable of the wheat and the weeds. Both will be present until the end and then they will be separated. This is confirmed in Jesus’ description of the last judgment.
Ryann Cornelius